Connie Lu
Photo Gallery Home

Google Photo Gallery

My implementation of a responsive web interface for a mobile photo gallery. Developed using HTML/CSS for the frontend UI and JavaScript for populating the carousel.

2019, Google Project Submission
UX Engineer

Mobile/ Web / Engineering


Process and Functionality

I started by laying out the basic image grid in HTML/CSS and defining breakpoints at which the grid would collapse into smaller columns upon resize. I then added functionality to make the carousel navigation work with click, swipe, and keyboard inputs, along with other helper functions.

After refactoring the code to make it more readable and reusable, I tested the site across various devices and browsers to make sure the experience was as uniform as possible across different platforms. I prioritized the user experience in desktop and mobile view, and focused on the main functionality of populating the carousel when a thumbnail is active.

HTML: Deep Dive

To keep the HTML file simple and “DRY”, I populated both the image grid and the carousel content within the JS file. The styling and JavaScript implementations are separated into their respective files to keep an overall clean HTML page. I added ARIA roles and tab indexes where it made sense to account for accessibility.

CSS: Deep Dive

I divided my code into four components (header, gallery, carousel, footer) and used the main style.scss to import all files. Even though some files are relatively short, I organized the UI in a way that makes readability clearer. If this project grew to include a more complicated interface, having this compartmentalization makes it easier for future developers to pinpoint specific files.

I focused on writing efficient selectors, consistent class/ID names, and using variables/mixins where possible.

JS: Deep Dive

The JS code is organized into two classes. ImgGrid{} contains a Carousel within the class and has functions that relate to all but the carousel itself. Carousel{} contains functions to populate the carousel, set the previous/next images, and swipe gestures.

The first variable defined in the document is imgArr, which contains data about each image loaded into the grid. When a new ImgGrid is created, the constructor sets the data and renders the web page accordingly.

The wrapper functions getElement() and getElements() act as a cache for the document.querySelector() function and are meant to increase efficiency in case DOM elements are called more than once.

A couple functions to highlight:

Used mainly in conjunction with getNext() and getPrev(), this function takes an index as an argument and sets the next image to be shown. To make the carousel a continuous loop, getNext() returns the index of the first image if the user is on the last slide, and getPrev() returns the index of the last image if the user is on the first slide. Within this function, I also had to create a clone of my carouselImg element to trigger a reset of the CSS fade-in animation.

This function works in conjunction with updateImgFromTouch(). Since the touchmove event listener fires so many times with just one swipe gesture, I added a throttle function that triggers the updateImgFromTouch() function only once every 300 milliseconds by making use of setTimeout(). This results in less callbacks and overall greater efficiency.